Thursday, December 17, 2009: Hi Sam! I hope your Christmas play went well. Adriana Coronel Tenorio (AKA Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel) told me about it at the last second knowing I would not be able see it. What else is new. She is trying to make up for the many lies she is already making up for you not being able to spend time with me for Christmas. We had a conversation about Christmas a couple days ago on Instant Messenger and luckily I was able to copy it for you. I can’t make this stuff up Sweetheart. All this documentation of Adriana’s bizarre behavior beats me telling you about it.
So, guess where I am as I write this? I am sitting in the lobby of the Grand Hotel. I have an appointment with Alicia & Carlos soon. Adriana knew this and in her typical narcissistic fashion tried to sell me on you not really needing to be with me on Christmas because you can meet me after my appointment today. And that is supposed to make up for Christmas. I kid you not. I am here early because you never know about traffic on either side of the border. Alicia is running late which pushed the appointment back and in a strange twist of irony I will more than likely miss you when Adriana said she was going to show up. Who knows if she will show up at all.
Time to pause for the moment and attend my appointment. I will be right back. I love you Sam!