Wednesday, October 13, 2010: Hi Sam! Today the world watches a miracle unfold in the nation of Chile. Almost 70-days ago, 33-Chilian miners were trapped 2,500 feet (762m) below the Earth’s surface (1/2 mile, 1 KM) when a portion of the mine they were working in collapsed. For the first 17-days nobody knew if these men were even alive let alone where in the mine they were trapped. Rescuers were soon to discover their location and more importantly that they were all alive! Originally nobody knew if it was possible to rescue these people or even how. As time went on, they discovered a way to get these men out. Bad news, it would more than likely after Christmas due to the time it would take to drill a hole big enough to bring these men back to their families.
Today, the world watches as the rescuers have made great progress and as I type this are actually bringing these men to the surface! Well ahead of schedule. The men are being placed in a capsule, one at a time, through a hole that was drilled down to them from the surface 2,500 feet (762m) above where they have been waiting for the last 70-days. This has been 33-individual stories of how strong the human spirit is. The health of the men appears to be excellent considering what they have been through. It’s been amazing to watch.
A couple thoughts as I see these men emerge. I am left with is seeing how great people can work together when they are focused on a single goal. What is happening in Chile has been absolutely been amazing to watch unfold on live TV. It’s a testament to the human spirit. Seeing actual footage of the men in the mine and the conditions in which they had to adapt to as the rescue unfold reminds me of the struggle we have had these last couple years. We are all faced with tough times at different points of our lives. It’s how we deal with these times that mold our character Sam. You are already exhibiting the same traits as your Dad during difficult times in your young 4 ½ years. I am so proud of you Sam. More importantly be proud of yourself! You have been through a lot already Sam. I have absolute faith and confidence a father’s love for his daughter will triumph over the evil that has been cast upon this most important parental-child bond.