The Abduction of Wendy Samantha Coronel Tenorio

1-Year, 3-Months, 20-Days Into Wendy Samantha Coronel Tenorio’s Abduction AKA Samantha Howitt

1-Year, 3-Months, 20-Days Into Wendy Samantha Coronel Tenorio’s Abduction

Tuesday, March 2, 2010: Good Morning Sam! It’s been awhile between postings. You are on my mind every minute of every day. I miss you so much. I talked to Alicia the other day. The appeals court is finally ready to look at Adriana Coronel Tenorio’s (AKA Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel) appeal. Apparently they will hear our case at the end of March.

Of course with all this going on, Adriana is pressing me to send her more money. Telling me I am irresponsible because I have not been taking care of her problems faster. I would be mildly offended if anyone else tells me this because it’s not true. Coming from Adriana I laugh every time. I am reluctant to do anything for Adriana at this point. Why would I when she has put us through hell and has shown absolutely no remorse for her actions.

It turns out Adriana does not even use the money I give her to support you for you! Adriana accidentally told me she misused the money I sent her a few weeks ago when you were really sick. It was interesting because she did not mean to tell me she did not use the money the right way, it just came out of her mouth. She tried to cover it up but even she knew it was too late. Basically I sent $400 to her to take you to the doctor. She called several times that day and even sent me pictures of you when you were sick. I sent the money and find out later that she only used a small portion of the money to help you get better. In fact she still does not know why you were sick because she still owes the doctor money when the money I sent would have more than covered the trip to the doctor and whatever medicine you needed! I was beyond upset. Get used to this Sam. This is who Adriana really is.

Sam, I know this is hard for you to read. I have always believed that people should treat us a certain way. Family, friends, everyone. Once that line is crossed, there is no going back. Including family. After all family should treat us the best. Why is it that sometimes it’s family that treats us the worst? That would be a great question to ask Adriana when you read this. I have asked her that many times and her answer is to ignore me, pack up her things and run. If you have nothing to hide, this is not the reaction you have to such a simple question.

OK. I digress. After Adriana mentioned how she did not use the money I sent her the right way, she has the nerve to ask for more. I suspect she used the money to buy her ticket to Mexico City recently. The timing of her asking for more money again is interesting. I am not able to see you this weekend because Adriana is throwing a party. It’s not the kind of party that you and I think about. Adriana is renting a house on the beach in Rosarito. She is turning it into a whorehouse for the weekend for her prostitution business! She is arranging for her clients and girls to “meet” all weekend. I probed more and asked her if she wanted me to come along as a bodyguard. She said no. It turns out cartel guys will be at this party. Or so she says. I will leave the party going to the experts that can do more with this stuff because she is planning more parties. To make matters worse, the money she is asking me for would probably not go to anything you need. She made reference to needing a liquor license and has to buy enough alcohol for the weekend. I am pretty sure my money would be going there. I am going to fall back and tell Adriana I will take care of your things when I spend more time with you and can take care of your things personally. In the meantime, I would be lying if I said I was not worried about this party.

Sam, can you believe this is the same person who has the nerve to tell me I am irresponsible? This makes me sick.

KISSES My Princess! Dad loves you Sam!

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