1-Year, 4-Months, 4-Days Into Wendy Samantha Coronel Tenorio’s Abduction AKA Samantha Howitt

1-Year, 4-Months, 4-Days Into Wendy Samantha Coronel Tenorio’s Abduction

Sunday, March 14, 2010: Hi Beautiful! It’s after 11:00 PM and I cannot sleep. I was not feeling well today and perhaps all the extra sleep I got throughout the day today is keeping me awake now. I remember when I did actually get some sleep in the days after you were abducted by Adriana Coronel Tenorio (AKA Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel). Waking up every morning and having to remember how to breathe and how to put one foot in front of the other. I felt both these tasks alone were beyond my capabilities at the time.

As a father I dream of watching you grow, experience, learn, challenge and embrace life. I imagine what your college days will be like. I wonder who the person of your dreams is and what type of life you will build together. You never realize that as a parent you also sign up for pain. How do I make sense of this senseless act Adriana has done and continues to do. I would never wish this pain on another parent. When the situation began to unfold, I needed to make a choice. I could choose despair, probably the easiest choice. Or I could choose hope. Because of you Sam, I chose hope. I promised to channel my anger and frustration and commit to spending my life making you safe. How one parent could do this to a child is incomprehensible. The events of the past 16-months have torn at the hearts and emotions of every one here.

On November 10, 2008 our lives changed dramatically and will remain changed forever. My heart was shattered. My spirit was dampened and my faith was tested. Because of all the people who have worked hard to help resolve this and all of those who helped with random acts of kindness just to boost morale, my heart is mending. My spirits are being lifted and my faith has been restored. I never lost focus Sam. I never gave up. I never lost hope and while things have not moved quite as fast as I would have hoped and prayed for, I am forever grateful for all the love and support we have received.

This is a big week Sam. I will be in meetings all day Tuesday regarding this situation. I hope to see you Tuesday as well. We’ll see what Adriana has in store for us. Speaking of Adriana, I heard from her via email. She did not say anything I was not expecting. Onward and upward.
