Thursday, May 6, 2010: Hi Sam. I am sitting in the border line as I write this. I had a meeting with Carlos. We had a little setback today. I am not too happy about this development and unfortunately there is nothing I can do about it. The judge in Tijuana, whom you met, decided she will send the file herself to put the finishing touches on the birth certificate. While it is within the guidelines for her to do this, it is very unusual for a judge to be involved with such matters. 99% of the time judges hand this stuff over to the attorneys. Why wouldn’t a judge want this case off her desk instead of taking the road less traveled and creating more work for herself than necessary? Rhetorical question.
On a good note I will see you Saturday morning! I can’t wait! I miss you so much Sam. Saying how much I miss you barely explains the gaping void that has been my heart these last 18-months. I am staying strong Beautiful. I LOVE YOU!