1-Year, 5-Months, 9-Days Into Wendy Samantha Coronel Tenorio’s Abduction AKA Samantha Howitt

1-Year, 5-Months, 9-Days Into Wendy Samantha Coronel Tenorio’s Abduction

Monday, April 19, 2010: Hi Sam! Good news! My allergy and asthma medicine worked perfectly! I am very happy about that because you and I spent a lot of time outside on Saturday. I love to see the look in your eyes when I am there with you. You absolutely light up! I light up being with you too! I miss you so much Sam. Your birthday is coming up. We spent part of the day shopping for your party. I thought it was interesting when Adriana Coronel Tenorio (AKA Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel) mentioned how much she spent for your birthday last year. Knowing she never intended to allow me to spend your 3rd birthday with you last year, I was left wondering why she would tell me that. Then I quickly remembered, Adriana is someone who never thinks she does anything wrong. The text book definition of a narcissist and sociopath. Spending that amount of money on a 3-year old’s birthday party is crazy. Adriana only did that because she obviously felt guilty about what she had done 6-month before by abducting you and hoping you would not notice that I was not there. For a moment, I was sick to my stomach when I heard that. Suffice it to say, it was fun watching you go through the store and help pick out what you liked for your birthday. Disney’s “The Princess and the Frog” was the theme you liked the most.

In other news, Adriana closed her “office” and moved the prostitution business back into the house. Not good. Adriana brought all of this riff-raff home. Right into her bedroom. Right where your bed used to be. I found a piece of paper with a man’s name, email address and phone number on it. This is one of Adriana’s “customers”. I have seen her take down “customer” information like this before. She tells me it is so she can verify who they are before she schedules one of her girls. The problem is that the guy lives in San Diego, which makes what she is doing a federal crime here in the United States. So the plot thickens.

Know this, I will never forget the moment we had on Saturday night. It was a father/daughter moment I have missed for 18-months. You were tired and ready for bed but did not want to go to bed hungry. I certainly did not want you to go to bed hungry. I got to carry you down the stairs like a little princess to the kitchen where you told me you wanted sausage and sour cream. So there you were sitting there telling me this story while I cooked up the sausage and made your favorite strawberry milk. I opted for a bowl of ice cream because there were no more sausages to cook. So here we were sitting together at the table, just the two of us. We did not have to say much. We just looked at one another. I knew everything you needed me to know. I melt every time I have the opportunity to look into your beautiful brown eyes Sam. Your eyes told me everything. That is the connection Adriana will never break. I love you so much Sam! The fight for your honor is just starting. Nobody will get in the way of me when it comes to protecting your honor. Nobody. KISSES MY LOVE!
