1-Year, 8-Months, 10-Days Into Wendy Samantha Coronel Tenorio’s Abduction AKA Samantha Howitt


1-Year, 8-Months, 10-Days Into Wendy Samantha Coronel Tenorio’s Abduction

Tuesday, July 20, 2010: Absolution’s Sam. Absolution’s. A couple weeks ago I had all the court documents from Mexico translated into English. I was mortified yet relieved to review all the documents in full. On one hand, I read the Supreme Court’s ruling on Adriana Coronel Tenorio’s (AKA Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel) appeal from back in March. All 5 Supreme Court judges ruled in our favor on all counts. In addition they had some harsh words for the family court judge in Tijuana for not allowing me visitation while this case continued on as it has been. This would explain why the family court judge was unhappy with the Supreme Court when we went to visit her several weeks ago. She was probably embarrassed by the decision the Supreme Court made and with good reason. At the same time that would also explain why this judge has been stalling as much as she has. It’s not very becoming for someone in her position.

Another revelation I read happened right when this case first started. When we finally caught up to Adriana after she fled from us twice, we had her served papers to start the process. I don’t know if you remember that. You were home but might not have seen what was going on at the time. When Adriana was served she has a few days to answer the charges. This was when she said there was never a relationship between her and I, that we never lived together, that I was just a friend who offered to help out when she needed, and she even went as far to say I was not your father. All that we knew already.

It gets worse Sam. I don’t even know how to soften this to make it sound better. I will do my best. As part of her defense, she claims we never lived together yet she acknowledged living where we lived at the exact same time we lived there. Huh? At the same time Adriana also mentioned that she could not have been living with me because she was selling women’s underwear while running a prostitution business and only stayed with me when she was rolling through town. Sam, Adriana admitted to running a prostitution business without even being asked. In family court no less!

Until now, I had absolutely no idea this is what she said. I was sick to my stomach when I read that. Alicia told me all along she was not surprised. That explains the prostitution business she is running out of the house you live in now. That also explains the trip to Spain she took and left for almost 3-months. That trip to Spain is what started all this.

This is a stunning revelation. I cannot believe the judge read that and did not say anything about this. This is better than any of the proof we already have on Adriana. These were her own words under oath in a court of law! Unbelievable! Reading how the Supreme Court responded to all this craziness was amazing. Almost as amazing as Adriana’s admission into who she really is in open court. Stunning!

This is going to be difficult to read. It’s difficult to write. It’s even more difficult to live through. I am never going to hide the truth from you Sam. This journal has always been about documenting this journey so you know everything that has happened, as it happened. In no way would I ever discourage you from having a relationship with Adriana. I pretty much grew up without a mother, which is not a big secret. I know how hard that is. In life we have to draw a line in the sand and keep people away who are not healthy for us. Life is too short to have unhealthy/toxic people in your life. Right now, Adriana has a lot of things she needs to work this out. Right now she put you in harms way and I take that very personally. As a result I am doing everything I can to put an end to this craziness. This journal is for you my Princess. Someday you may ask me why I was not there when you were younger. And you should be asking that. When that day comes will be the day you start to read this. In the event something bad happens to me you will know the fight your REAL DAD had inside him. A fight you have inside you too. You will know how much you meant to me Sam. DAD LOVES YOU!!!
