Wednesday, November 3, 2011: Good Morning Sam! I have a few minutes before jiu jitsu and wanted to write. Adriana Coronel Tenorio (AKA Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel) is really disturbed by the news story that broke about what she did. She will not leave it alone. The story went viral so fast, she cannot believe how many websites carry the story now. Not only that she saw the video from the day we went down there to record the documentary. She started to engage the people who left comments in the printed article and she is taking a beating for it. The people commenting/conversing with Adriana are letting her have it.
Remember, the irony to this is that Adriana was never mentioned directly by name with the news people. They decided to take the high road because they did not get a chance to interview her. For sure her name would have been all over this if they did. This just goes to show that even Adriana knows how guilty she is! She outed herself!
In case she forgot, Adriana did take you away from me without my consent. She does not have a full custody order. She did steal everything out of my house. She is considered a flight risk by her own country. She did have me ambushed and thrown into La Mesa Prison for no reason. These things are all facts. So, Adriana can call it whatever she wants. The rest of the world and all areas of law calls that “parental child abduction” among other things. I mentioned yesterday how Adriana told me that “if I did not know this was you, I would actually feel sorry for the guy”. This was her response to reading about the physical and emotional toll this has had on me. At one point Adriana actually demanded I ask the reporter to retract the story. Being a victim of parental child abduction herself, I doubt that is going to happen. The reporter could not wait to tell our story and frankly neither could I. I told Adriana that if she felt that strongly about it, she should call the reporter herself.
The reality is that when a true sociopath has a big bright light shine on them, their whole world falls apart because this is not the view Adriana has of herself. Nor is it the image she is trying to portray to everyone she meets. Under stress and pressure, people like Adriana’s true colors shine brightest.