Saturday, April 16, 2011: What a difference a day makes Sam. The border wait today was only 3-minutes. There is no logical reason for how this line across the border from Tijuana to San Diego works. I guess the line has been so good to me as of late, my luck had to end sometime I suppose. After yesterday I deserved a 3-minute wait today, although I would rather be with you right now. No question. I am a little anxious knowing that your birthday is coming up and it does not fall on a Saturday. Which means Adriana Coronel Tenorio (AKA Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel) more than likely has plans for you that do not include me. It sounds like the plans she has for your birthday are with your school. I would love to see where you go to school. Until this situation works itself out I have to plan for the unexpected.
Oddly enough new furniture seems to make its way into the new house. How is that possible? Adriana is not working. Is Isaias Palomeque (AKA Isaias Uzziel Palomeque, Isaias Palomeque Vergara, Project Manager at DJO Global) moving in? There are no pictures of him anywhere. There are already 5-people in that house, I can’t imagine more. All’s I really know is that I am an anxious father trying to get his little angel back. By comparison, hell would be a vacation compared to what I have had to go through these last 2 ½ years alone.
Our time together today was amazing, as it always is. You made major improvements to your Dad’s face when we did face painting. I should have kept the makeup on <chuckle>. Adriana rubbed in my face a comment I made about how you do not like it when I leave at 4:00 on Saturdays. She knows how you feel when 4:00 comes around when she’s kicking me out the door. She has seen you get angry when that time comes. You are not shy about that. Is it really that hard to figure out that you obviously have feelings and thoughts about me not being around? You may not understand what has been going on, and will not fully understand what has been going on until you read this. At the same time, you do have your own thoughts and feelings. It’s seems obvious to me that those are being ignored.
As if I really need any more examples of Adriana’s instability, she provides even more. I come to find out she has been spending almost every day at an orphanage across the street from the house. She teaches kids how to read and write, etc. Granted that is a very noble use of time. I hope the experience humbles her. What I don’t understand is why she spends more time there than trying to provide for her own family because the orphanage does not pay her, its volunteer time. I found out that boys and girls are both integrated together, ages 3-20! That is a huge difference for kids! I don’t know the backgrounds of the older boys especially yet Adriana does not seem to be worried about you spending all that time there with her. Not sure what to make of this entirely.