The Abduction of Wendy Samantha Coronel Tenorio

3-years, 6-months, 11-days into Wendy Samantha Coronel Tenorio’s Abduction AKA Samantha Howitt

Monday, May 21, 2012: Good Morning Beautiful! I have a few minutes to say “hello” and “I miss you”. Yesterday was looking like a typical Sunday where I bury myself in work so I don’t have to think about this situation for awhile. Friends of mine had other ideas. People ask about you all the time Sam. Nobody can believe this is taking so long to resolve. I digress, the Doheny Blues Festival was this past weekend. I love blues music. Its single handedly influenced every other kind of music you can think of. Its a two day festival right on the beach where over 40,000 people will come to listen to great music in an absolutely beautiful setting. Boats can actually sit in the ocean and listen to what’s going on. Its an amazing scene. Buddy Guy and Otis Taylor were among the acts playing yesterday. Two of my favorites. Inevitably there are always people who play here who absolutely raise the bar. Yesterday was no exception. That is what makes this event so amazing. I was not planning on going but as stubborn as my friends are, they would not take “no” for an answer. I am glad they didn’t because it was a great time.

So here we are on the beach it was a beautiful day. Boats in the ocean, waves crashing, hanging with friends and met a lot of new people too. Of course hearing the blues live in a setting like that is special. I still long to share those moments with you. I saw many Dads dancing with their little girls yesterday. As happy as I am for them, it was hard to take in because you were not here to share this with me. I LOVE YOU SAM! Someday this horrible situation will end. Someday. I will call you later. KISSES!

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