The Abduction of Wendy Samantha Coronel Tenorio

3-years, 8-months, 17-days into Wendy Samantha Coronel Tenorio’s Abduction AKA Samantha Howitt

Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel, Adriana Coronel Tenorio

Friday, July 27, 2012: This has been a very challenging 4-years as you know. Adriana Coronel Tenorio (AKA Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel) offers all kinds of lip service and never delivers on anything she says. There is a clear disconnect between what she says and what she does. For the past 6-weeks she has been telling me how she wants you to spend more time with me, how she wants you to know my family, etc. When it comes to taking action, she balks. Every time. You have been reading almost 4-years of this nonsense. Ignoring any effort to talk about a permanent solution. She has resorted to hurling insults at me. You name it, she’s done it to try and make me feel bad. You are old enough now where you are asking the right questions. This journal is your only look into the truth until you can get your hands on the actual court records. I am sorry this has had to be so difficult Sam. I LOVE YOU SWEETHEART!!!

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