4-years, 1-month, 4-days into Wendy Samantha Coronel Tenorio’s Abduction AKA Samantha Howitt

President Obama, Sandy Hook Elementary School, Wendy Samantha Coronel Tenorio

Friday, December 14, 2012: Today is a very somber day Sam and the entire country, if not the world, is in mourning. I wish I could hug you right now. In the state of Connecticut a young man walked into an elementary school and killed 20 children along with 7 adults. This has been a horrible story that continues to unfold since 6:30 this morning Los Angeles time. President Obama held a press conference and could not contain his sadness over the situation. For the parents it’s a completely helpless situation. I don’t know anyone who lives in the area. It’s incredibly sad that 20 children your age are gone. Their lives barely started. Right before Christmas no less. Children are the world’s greatest resource. Even though I have been forced to deal with the situation we have been dealing with these last 4 years, I am so blessed to have you as my daughter. You are healthy, beautiful, smart, funny and full of life. I am going to give you the biggest hug tomorrow and I may even cry when I see you. You may not even know why until now. I LOVE YOU SAM.
