Sunday, January 20, 2013: Hi Sam! By now you are at the movie theater watching your movie. Me? I’m in line waiting to get back across the border. The weather finally warmed up which made today a great beach day. Finally away from that damn house. I am not complaining, I got to tuck you in bed, share a bedtime story with you and kiss you good-night. Things that Dad’s get to do normally. For me this is anything but normal. It just does not happen as much as it should.
Adriana Coronel Tenorio (AKA Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel) is completely delusional Sam. How she can look me in the eye and be angry with me because I did not care to recognize the anniversary of when we met? Then Adriana starts talking about wanting to marry me again. All the while Adriana sends me emails during the week asking me to send her pictures of my family, yet she keeps you from ever meeting them. It makes ZERO sense other than she wants it appear that she cares.
In spite of all this, we had a great weekend Sam. There were no enemies in the tide pools this time. Maybe next time. I cherished having you sit on my shoulders as we waded out into the ocean. Having Dad’s special sunglasses, you were able to see right into the water. I brought the deep dish pizza from Chicago that I promised. And thanks to your help, we cooked it to perfection. At one point you asked Adriana why we do not live together anymore. I absolutely melted. As you get older, you are asking the right questions, albeit to the wrong person. And that’s OK. Keep asking because the more you ask, the more Adriana will lie to you. You will remember those lies and when you start catching Adriana in her own lies…well that needs no explanation. I LOVE YOU SAM!