4-years, 9-months, 17-days into Samantha’s abduction

Adriana Coronel Tenorio, Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel, California, Daniel Duncan Howitt, Danny Howitt, DJO Global, DMV, Donjoy, Elizabeth Farquhar Duncan, Isaias Palomeque, Isaias Palomeque Vergara, Isaias Uzziel Palomeque, Kenneth Duncan, New York Marathon, United States

Tuesday, August 27, 2013: Good morning Beautiful. I am at the DMV this morning renewing my driver’s license. Hopefully this will not take long. I heard from Alicia last night. She has been training for the New York Marathon, which is less than 3-months away. Her opportunity is in jeopardy after a bike accident she got into over the weekend. Hopefully she will recover fast enough to make it.

Sam, can you believe it’s been almost 4-months since I last spent any time with you? Alicia told me she talked to Lourdes about the pictures Isaias Palomeque (AKA Isaias Uzziel Palomeque, Isaias Palomeque Vergara, Project Manager at DJO Global) has been posting. I am not looking at this wrong, they said the same thing I did about the pictures and how creepy they are. Then again they reminded me that Palomeque likes creeping his way into relationships with people he has no business being with. He’s a perpetual home wrecker. And Adriana Coronel Tenorio (AKA Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel) could care less because she is a textbook sociopath who is juggling Palomeque and Danny Howitt (AKA Daniel Duncan Howitt, Elizabeth Farquhar Duncan, Kenneth Duncan) at the same time without a care in the world. She loves weak guys who can never say “no” to her. Palomeque and Howitt most certainly fit that mold.

On another note, I had a brutal dream last night Sam. I did not want to wake up because I wanted to see it end on a good note. In the dream you disappeared on your way home from school. Nobody knew where you were. I was frantic to say the least. It was odd because Adriana never even told me. Nobody was surprised given the current state of affairs we find ourselves in. And that is what made this dream so gnarly. It felt so real because it was set against things going on right now. What kind of mother would not tell the father of his daughter that she is missing? Did she think I would not notice? Naturally, I spear-headed the effort to find you. All the people who were involved in finding you after your abduction were at it again. It became clear Adriana and Palomeque were involved in your latest disappearance because they were nowhere to be seen when we launched this massive effort to find you, again. The authorities caught on, took them into custody and were questioning Adriana and Palomeque for days on end. The United States authorities were not as nice. They were working on both Adriana and her family. Palomeque and his family as well. At one point I was able to visit Palomeque in jail for 5-minutes. No microphones and no cameras. I knew then it was a dream because he’s avoided me like the plague here in California, like the bitch he is. He’d rather post creepy pictures of you online. The alarm sounded at 5:00 and I hit the snooze button hoping I could reclaim the dream to make sure we found you safe. No such luck.

Adriana has already done the unthinkable by abducting you in the first place. Then having me thrown into prison for no reason and another ambush that would have worked if we were not paying attention. What more does anyone need to know about Adriana to know she is very much capable of doing the unthinkable again? It’s not really a stretch to think she is capable of anything good at this point.
