5-years, 4-months, 13-days into Samantha’s abduction

1st Civil Court, Adriana Coronel Tenorio, Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel, Carl's Jr., Hawaii, Jiu Jitsu, Pacific Ocean

Sunday, March 23, 2014: Hi Sam, it’s 3:27 AM Sunday morning. I am sorry I was not able to see you again yesterday. The court official is not available again. This 1st Civil Court judge, is not making matters easy for anyone. I know right now I am not going to see you next week either Sam. I am conflicted about that as well. I have not had a vacation in several years. Trying to find a peaceful resolution to this situation has been top priority for me. So much so, I have neglected me. Yes, I have taken extended weekends, but not a full blown vacation. I am long overdue. At the same time, I feel extremely guilty because you should be with me for stuff like this. And so the way I have thought about it up until now was that the time I could have taken to unplug and recharge, is time I could be doing something to move this situation forward. People who have been where we are with this have all told me this is not healthy. Take the time off.

Jiu Jitsu has been great at helping me displace the angst and frustration that comes with this situation. Getting away on vacation will allow me to smell the roses and gain some perspective on how wonderful life really is. I have been grinding away for the last several years almost non-stop. It’s time to unplug. That doesn’t mean I am not going to communicate with you. I am pretty much shutting off work for a week or so. In fact in order for me to do this, I am not even going to be on the mainland, I am flying 5-hours into the Pacific Ocean the ocean to Hawaii. I will make sure to bring some souvenirs back for you.

In other news, I talked to Lourdes on Friday. Great news! Javier found the Carl’s Jr. security guard! Yes, the witness to what happened on January 18th. It was not easy, but Javier tracked him down. In fact Javier helped him get a new job after he left when Adriana Coronel Tenorio (AKA Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel) harassed him into quitting. Ignacio is the guy’s name and he remembers exactly what happened that day. Ignacio gave his complete statement at the DA’s office – both of them. And his statement matches my 2-statements almost verbatim. Adriana is going to be completely shocked to find this out. Lourdes and Javier could not be happier and for that matter neither can I! This is an amazing turn of events. Hopefully we can continue down this path.

We can’t control what happens to us sometimes Sam. We do have full control how we react to it. A fresh perspective is exactly what a situation like this needs. Adding Javier, Sonia and Jorge to the legal team is a great example of that. Their persistence found Ignacio and the incident from January 18th really casts Adriana in a really bad light. I LOVE YOU SAM!!! I leave tomorrow for Hawaii. I pinky swear to write while I am gone.
