5-years, 19-days into Samantha’s abduction (Part 2)

abducted Thanksgiving, child abduction, left behind parent, parental abduction, parental alienation, parental child abduction playbook, parental kidnapping, Wendy Samantha Coronel Tenorio

Friday, November 29, 2013: Happiness is probably the most cliché virtue on the list, but the most pivotal to your success Sweetheart. Sam, understand that “success” is a voyage, not an “x” on a map. I believe strongly that smiles are contagious. I learned that the hard way. As hard as it’s been sometimes, I try to laugh as much as possible. I do this in hopes that this mindset bleeds into your heart. I can’t teach happiness per se, but I can teach perspective and hope that allows you to see that the situation you were born into is unique and the things that you are accustomed to are not everyone’s reality. I grew up in some interesting circumstances, but  I knew there were others out there that more interesting circumstances to deal with. This leads into the next thing I need my princess to understand. Stay tuned.

