1-Year, 17-Days Into Wendy Samantha Coronel Tenorio’s Abduction AKA Samantha Howitt

1-Year, 17-Days Into Wendy Samantha Coronel Tenorio’s Abduction

Friday, November 27, 2009: Hi Beautiful. Adriana Coronel Tenorio (AKA Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel) managed to do it again. I am here writing you rather than being with you. It’s amazing that I have tried for almost a month to make arrangements to be with you for Thanksgiving and Adriana did everything to make it not happen. I was so worried about not being able to share this holiday with you again that I made myself sick. This happened a lot more often that I would like. Under the circumstances I am actually surprised I have not been sick more than I have. It makes me sick to my stomach that Adriana dangles you at will in front of me like a carrot. What parent with a sane mind would do that? No parent with a sane mind would do what Adriana is doing. That is the point.

Adriana knew I made plans for Thanksgiving after it was obvious she was not going to allow you to spend time with me. I mentioned in yesterday’s post what I was doing. It was then Adriana decided to call and try to get me to drop what I was doing when she knew it was too late. This way she can say she made an effort when we all know she is full of shit.

When Thursday did not work, Adriana knew I literally got sick over it. She writes me this very emotional email about how she misses me, etc. That is Adriana’s way of saying she is sorry for her transgressions because she is not capable of actually saying it literally. When I turn that around and tell her that is great to hear and that you if really do want your daughter to spend time with her Dad, she tells me she does not trust me to be with you alone. HUH??? She does not trust me to be with you because she thinks I am going to do to her what I she did to me. I suppose if I kidnapped a child, became a pimp and betrayed the one man who gave her everything – I probably would not trust anyone either. The problem with that is all she is doing if making all the right people more angry with her and that will bite her in the rear end soon enough.

The only reason I pay attention is because when you give Adriana enough rope, she will always find a way to trip herself with it. Always. Other than that her words are completely empty to me Sam. As much as I hate to say it. Her words are empty because she thinks she can get by with just her looks and her words without backing them up with action. The reality Adriana is not fooling anybody.

So, we got on the subject of Christmas. This is where Adriana completely forgot about the mushy email she sent me and told me once again that her new breast implants are more important than you seeing me, especially for Christmas. Supposedly she is having the surgery next week. I know the plastic surgery business and know how long it takes to recover from this type of surgery. She is trying to tell me she will be in bed for a month. That is a complete lie. Recovery is only a week, maybe 10-days at the most. I asked her what that had to do with you spending time with me. I sat and listened though all of this nonsense for quite sometime. The more this goes on the more it makes absolutely no sense. I have to continue to take matters into my own hands Sam. I am so sorry my Little Princess. You deserve so much more. And you will get it. Please hang in there Sweetheart.

Adriana completely fell apart when I made this all about you and not her. She took that so personally she had to resort to insulting me in order to try and hurt me. The reality is that it may be awhile before I see you again. That is not up to me. Lord knows I will continue to make it an issue everyday. I hope we do not miss a 2nd Christmas. First thing first, I have to get my health back. I am going to get some badly needed rest. I love you Sam. KISSES!
