1-Year, 4-Months, 25-Days Into Wendy Samantha Coronel Tenorio’s Abduction AKA Samantha Howitt

1-Year, 4-Months, 25-Days Into Wendy Samantha Coronel Tenorio’s Abduction

Sunday, April 4, 2010: Happy Easter Sam! Mini rant here. I have no idea what Adriana Coronel Tenorio (AKA Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel) pays the nanny for because the house is complete chaos. Animals all over the place. Food left out on the stove. It’s no wonder everyone there is sick all the time. I walk around the house with my socks on and he bottom of my socks are dirtier than the bottoms of my shoes. With all the animals running around the house, namely the dog and rabbit (both of which are dirty from being outside all day), my allergies went into over drive Friday. I am just now feeling better today.

Truth be told, I would do it again in a heartbeat for you Sam. It was so great to see you. I learn so much when I am there. I learned that there was no reason I could not have spent Easter with you. Like all the other holidays there has always been an excuse as to why I am left out of spending time with you. Adriana called it “circumstances of the moment” as to why that happens. Interesting. Is that the best excuse she has? Then again I realize I am not dealing with someone who understands what taking responsibility for their actions is like.

So, I learned that this church retreat was not that big of a deal. If it existed at all. Most people celebrate Easter on Good Friday and Easter Sunday. They may go to church those two days as a result. Nothing wrong with that. Some people go to church several times a day. I am not even kidding. As if their fortunes will change by going once every hour. Allegedly, Adriana had this whole routine for you, Axel Alvarez Coronel (AKA Axel Coronel) Coronel and her going to church several times Friday, Saturday and on Sunday. Yeah, and I just sold her the Brooklyn Bridge for the backyard too.

Out of curiosity, I wanted to test how serious she was about this “routine” she argued that was going to keep me away from you this Easter. I knew it was only a matter of time before Adriana stared to push me to spend money while I was there. She lasted all of 2-minutes. In the first 2-minutes she asked me about your swings, her dress and the creams she wanted me to buy for her face. Then it was Axel’s fireworks. All in the name of God of course. I did actually build the swings for the swing set in the backyard of the house.

So, I used this has my opportunity to test my theory that this “retreat” was just another excuse. One in a long line of them to keep you from me until it is important to her. I suggested we go to the Home Depot in Rosarito to find the materials to build the new swings for the swing set. She agrees. Off we go and you were so adorable. While she was talking to the Home Depot people about your project, you and I went off to play hide and seek among the big piles of wood. Then you used the stacks of wall board as your little stage and you danced ballet for me. I loved every second of it Sam! Judging from the huge smile on your face, so did you!

Home Depot took a couple of hours. I knew one of the items from Adriana’s list required her to be back in church had come and gone. Not one word was mentioned about it. After Home Depot she wanted to find Axel fireworks, in celebration of Easter of course. Equally predictable she asked me to go with him to buy them. To his credit, Axel wanted to pay for them himself. Anyway, who’s hungry? This was the true test to my theory. If we went out for dinner, that would for sure make Adriana miss the rest of their church events. Thus proving that my theory being correct. How about Italian? We settle on this French restaurant that served Italian food as well. It is a great little place actually. Everyone had a great time. Wouldn’t you know it, Adriana missed the last 5 events at the church that day. And not a word was mentioned about it.

As always, the time went by so fast and it was time to leave. I see the look on your face and it’s clear you do not want me to leave. I absolutely hate having to go. I love you so much Sam. This tears me up inside each time. I left knowing we are so close to being done with this situation. Adriana cannot appeal any part of this case anymore. No more excuses. No more distractions. We have come a long way Sam! I LOVE YOU! KISSES!
