Mara Mireles Coronel

Mara Mireles Coronel

Mara Coronel (AKA Mara Mireles Coronel, Mariana Coronel or Mariana Mireles Coronel) is Adriana Coronel Tenorio’s (AKA Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel), sister. Mara is married to Omar Mireles Martinez. Like Omar, Mara is a nice person caught in the middle of a bad situation because of her mother and sister. Mara came out to visit Adriana and Samantha a couple times. According to Adriana, she tried to talk some sense into Adriana about finding a permanent solution to this situation that can make everyone happy. We know how that turned out.

Mara was in town again in 2014 for Axel Alvarez Coronel’s (AKA Axel Coronel) high school graduation. She knew that Adriana was going to do the unthinkable by abducting Samantha for a 2nd time. That is probably why she could not even make eye contact with Samantha’s Dad that day when he came to visit Sam. Let alone say ‘hello’ as he arrived with the court official. She knew what was going on. If she doesn’t feel guilty for staying quiet, she should feel guilty about it.

Time to step up and finish what you started a few years ago Mara. You know as well as anyone else that what has transpired these last 14-years is beyond criminal, it’s insane. You are a mother. You have a beautiful family. How would you feel if you were in Samantha’s Dad’s shoes?

If you have information about Mariana Coronel, please contact us directly. There is no such thing as information being irrelevant or too small. Your correspondences will be treated in the strictest of confidence and anonymity. Thank you.