Shona Howitt-Sinclair

Shona Howitt-Sinclair

Shona Howitt-Sinclair is the owner of the Commerical Hotel in Cuminestown, Scotland. Shona also happens to be Emma Howitt and Danny Howitt‘s (AKA Daniel Duncan Howitt, Elizabeth Farquhar Duncan, Kenneth Duncan) mother. Like Emma Howitt and Gordon Sinclair, Shona is guilty by association. Also like Emma and Gordon, Shona met Samantha. Shona too made the trek to Puerto Vallarta for Adriana Coronel Tenorio (AKA Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel) and Danny’s wedding. Shona knew what was going on with Adriana before the wedding. Shona has spent quite some time on this site and has even commented.

Like Danny Howitt, Shona was given all the case numbers of all the cases Adriana is involved with here and where to research those cases. And like Danny, Shona decided to keep her head buried in the sand.

Unrelated to this situation, people who know Shona really well contacted investigators and told them an interesting story about Shona. It would appear that Shona and some guy ran some sort of real estate scam, screwing over a handful of people out of a lot of money. “Allegedly”

It comes as no surprise then, that after Adriana was arrested for Samantha’s abduction back in March 2016, Shona had a hand in helping Adriana flee the country after she bailed out of jail.

Birds of a feather.

If you have information about Shona Howitt, please contact us directly. There is no such thing as information being irrelevant or too small. Your correspondences will be treated in the strictest of confidence and anonymity. Thank you.