6-Months, 21-Days Into Wendy Samantha Coronel Tenorio’s Abduction AKA Samantha Howitt

Wendy Samantha Coronel Tenorio's Abduction Day 206

Sunday, May 31, 2009: Good Morning Samy! Sweetie, I am so sorry for the last journal entry. As you can see it’s been almost 7-months since I last saw you. All I have are pictures and the voicemail from January. As a Dad, I feel like I failed you in such a bad way and I can’t seem to get this situation figured out fast enough. Adriana Coronel Tenorio’s (AKA Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel) behavior since November 10th has been just as bizarre as it was before that day. On one hand she is making up stories about me on her blog and telling anyone who will listen. In court in front of a judge, when it really counts, she says nothing because she knows lying in court will get her in trouble. Then the recent posts on her website were directed right at me, like the one on Tuesday. I took it as her last parting shot before she runs again. Why not, it’s what she’s done twice before already. 

After I wrote that panic filled entry, I contacted friends who painted a very different picture. They think Adriana still loves me and is frustrated with me that I have not chased her to get her back. As crazy as it sounds, that is a cultural thing for her. As irrational as she has been, her behavior is widely accepted in her culture. Men just put up with it or leave, there is no in-between. I have put up with a lot from Adriana in the time we have been together. Abducting you and showing no remorse for keeping you away from your Dad is completely crazy. I think in her own way she knows how this has affected you and me. But this is about her. Not anyone else. It’s a pattern Maria Guadalupe Tenorio Toledano (AKA Lupita Tenorio, Marsha Tenorio) has instilled in her for quite sometime.

While I write this, Adriana posts in her own blog. It’s been fascinating to see the paradigm between how Adriana acts like nothing has happened and your real Dad who feels like he is losing his mind by the minute as this situation lingers on. There is a big difference between what I am writing and Adriana writing a post about the movie, ‘When Harry Met Sally’. Maybe my friends were right after all.


when Harry met Sally

Siempre he dicho que Meg Ryan es una estupenda actriz, dulce, divertida y con muchos matices, pero especialmente en esta pelicula que apenas vi ayer por la noche me ha encantado. Te hace darte que cuenta que todo llega a su momento, talvez cuando se conocieron no estaban listos el uno para el otro, pero sin embargo ahi estaba, el dicho de que CUANDO ALGO ES TUYO Y ES PARA TI, PASE LO QUE PASE SE TE CONCEDERA… les viene como anillo al dedo, me hizo reir tanto su natural simpatia y cuando ella finge un orgasmo en la mesa porque el jura, que a el ninguna mujer le ha fingido ningun orgasmo, como la mayoria de los hombres, a otros si pero a ellos no. Así que me moria de la risa, claro sin ofender, a todos les ha sucedido por lo menos una vez.

Hay una escena que me dejo pensando ciertamente la manera en la que nos diferenciamos los hombres y las mujeres al vivir la separación con nuestras exparejas, Harry se entretenia en citas que ni siquiera lo llenaban o difícilmente lograban hacerlo feliz, solo lo satisfacian en el momento, por su parte Sally ocasionalmente salia con otros pero no vivía recordando a su ex como Harry, el lo hacia tratando de llenar un vacio y que lo hacia mas infeliz, ella lo supero mas rapido.

Pero en el momento que ella se entero que

Harry Burns y Sally Albright se conocen fortuitamente cuando ella se ofrece para llevarle en su coche hasta la ciudad, entablan una conversacion sobre la amistad entre personas de diferente sexo; la conversacion acaba en discusion, pero entre ellos nace algo muy especial. Son un hombre y una mujer que se han pasado mucho tiempo intentando averiguar como seguir siendo amigos. Sin embargo, Harry tiene una firme creencia: que dos personas de sexo opuesto no pueden ser simplemente amigos, la relacion siempre acaba en la cama o en el altar

Auuu.  colorin colorado esta movie, se ha acabado

