1-Month, 22-Days Into Wendy Samantha Coronel Tenorio’s Abduction AKA Samantha Howitt

1-Month, 22-Days Into Wendy Samantha Coronel Tenorio’s Abduction AKA Samantha Howitt

Thursday, January 1, 2009: Happy New Year Sam! It’s only been a day since I last wrote. This is a new year. New beginnings for us. I am sad I could not see you for New Year’s. At the same time I am grateful for the progress we are making. Adriana Coronel Tenorio (AKA Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel) has gone to great lengths to deny your American heritage. When she abducted you, she stole a lot the files out of my office which had to do with you, not knowing I have backups of all that stuff. I have always held out hope Adriana would do the right thing and allow me to see you. That has not happened. She has posted pictures of you on her site. At least I can see those for the time being. More importantly, she has used her website to try and justify what she has done. Lying and deception have been a big part of the game for her. This is not a surprise at all Sam. The US State Department told us 2-months ago she was going to do this and here she is doing exactly what they told us she would do.

Sometimes adult relationships do not work out. It’s important to maintain a cordial relationship for the kids sake. Something I have been telling her for a long time. This is what has been so frustrating about Adriana. Her actions have rarely matched her words. I don’t hate Adriana, Sam. Please don’t get that idea. At the same time, any person who could do what her and Maria Guadalupe Tenorio Toledano (AKA Lupita Tenorio, Marsha Tenorio) have done are dangerous people. Stealing things that do not belong to you is one thing, but kidnapping a child is a completely different situation. If anything, she has proven to be unstable and with that comes the dangerous mindset. I can see the look in her eyes. She’s not happy. She’s scared because she has no idea what we have been doing on this side.

She’s about to find out.

In the meantime, I found out how Adriana’s New Year went. She posted on her blog. See below. The horoscope for her astrology sign. No joke Sam. With that she posted 3 pictures of herself. One picture is a glamour shot. Professionally done hair, make-up, etc. It’s only a matter of time before she blows this picture up to poster size and has it professional framed and sitting somewhere in the house. Nothing says I am a narcissist more than that. Mark my words. I digress because the other two pictures are of Adriana on New Year’s Eve. In one picture she’s straddling a motorcycle in a bar wearing a skimpy mini-skirt. And in the other picture she’s at the same bar with the same outfit straddling a railing with her legs open, getting a full on view of <fill in the blank>. What can I say, Adriana is a class act Sam. I am not going to post these two pictures here. You get the idea.

So, this is how your parents spent their New Year’s. The only thing we have in common is that we both spent it without you. In my case, my spending New year’s without you was involuntary. Since your abduction, Adriana has spent more time away from you voluntary than she has spent with you. I miss you more than anything Sam. Some days are better than others for me. I am working hard. January 12th is when we pick up where we left off before Christmas. I will write back soon. Happy New Year Precious! I love you!

GEMINIS (Mayo 21 * Junio 20) –

Agradable. Su amor es único en su clase. Gran escuchador. Muy bueno en ESO… Son amantes, no luchadores, pero de todos modos te puede llegar a dejar inconciente. Confiable. Siempre feliz. Ruidoso. Hablador. Salidor MUY COMPASIVO. Siempre busca llegar a un arreglo o entendimiento. Tiene una hermosa sonrisa. Generoso. Fuerte. EL MAS IRRESISTIBLE.
Géminis es el signo de los gemelos y como tal su carácter es doble y bastante complejo y contradictorio. Por un lado es versátil, pero por el otro puede ser retraido. Suelen tener elegancia y caer en los errores de los jóvenes. Tienen la felicidad, el egocentrismo, la imaginación y la inquietud e los niños. Los geminis empiezan nuevas actividades y retos con entusiasmo, pero muchas veces les falta la constancia para realizarlos. Consideran que la vida es como un juego y buscan la diversión y nuevas situaciones.
Un géminis suele ser cortés, cariñoso, amable y generoso. A veces utilizan sus atributos para conseguir sus propios objetivos y son capaces de recurrir a la mentira sin perder su encanto con tal de obtener lo que quieren. Se desaniman con facilidad (como los niños) cuando no consiguen lo que quieren, y les gusta recibir atención, regalos y halagos. Los géminis tienen que esforzarse para no desanimarse cuando las cosas se ponen difíciles.
La inteligencia y capacidad mental de los géminis hacen que les encantan retos cerebrales y nuevos conocimientos, aunque el proceso de aprendizaje tiende a aburrirles. Tienen gran capacidad analítica.En el amor los géminis vuelven a demostrar su doble naturaleza. Tienen un lado que se entrega emocionalmente pero otro que rechaza el romanticismo. Tienden a tener relaciones de pareja cortas porque les puede llegar a aburrir la estabilidad de una pareja una vez conquistada. Suelen tener muchos amiguetes y pocos buenos amigos. Los Géminis pueden ser grandes tertulianos.
