2-Months, 10-Days Into Wendy Samantha Coronel Tenorio’s Abduction AKA Samantha Howitt

2-Months, 10-Days Into Wendy Samantha Coronel Tenorio’s Abduction AKA Samantha Howitt

Tuesday, January 20, 2009: Hi Beautiful! I hope you are well. Today was a historic day. You were on my mind every second of it. Our new President took office officially today. President Barack Obama brings a new vision for people not just in our country but throughout the world. We are in interesting times and President Obama brings a message that seems to have motivated people to the likes we have not seen in some time. Part of the process when a new president takes office is an Inauguration. There is a lot of parades, ceremony’s, etc. This was a different day. People estimate that 2-million people braved the bitter cold weather to be in Washington DC for the events of today. I decided the 70-degrees here was a much better place to watch what was going on <chuckle>. I have the picture of you when you were just a few days old – it’s sitting on my desk. It’s always near me. I am sure you will read all about President Obama in your school books in year’s to come.

Speaking of change, Thursday is the big move. Being here is hard given what happened. I may not be able to write again until Saturday. I meet with the attorney’s tomorrow. I love you Samy! I love you so much! ALWAYS!!!
