1-Year, 10-Months, 25-Days Into Wendy Samantha Coronel Tenorio’s Abduction AKA Samantha Howitt

1-Year, 10-Months, 25-Days Into Wendy Samantha Coronel Tenorio’s Abduction

Tuesday, October 5, 2010: Hi Sam! Guess what? Adriana Coronel Tenorio (AKA Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel) called me again. And again. And again. And again today. I was not going to answer the phone but the calls came in succession. After the 4th call in a row I thought there may have been an emergency with you, so I answered. To my surprise Adriana was nice to me. My expectations for Adriana at this point are very low, so it was easy for me to not argue with someone who has done what she has done to us. After all she just had me ambushed and sent to a Mexican prison for no reason.

Of all things, Adriana called to catch me up on what you have been doing these last couple months. While I appreciated that, she seems to not understand that I have not seen you since August 7th because of her actions, not mine. Naturally I asked her WHY? Why did Adriana do what she did on August 7th? At first she said she did not want to argue and discuss August 7th. I told her straight up that my expectations for her are pretty low as this point – so arguing was not going to happen. Second, Adriana was going to have to explain all this on Friday in court, might as well tell me now. Adriana proceeded to tell me that she did what she did on August 7th because she was tired about talking about sharing time with you Sam. Really Adriana? You had me ambushed and accused me of trying to kill you and had me sent to prison for no reason because you were TIRED of talking about how I can spend more time with my own daughter???

Inquiring further, I had to understand why Adriana called me 33-times in the last 3-weeks on top of all that. To which she replied that she needed information from me to help get you into school. Let me get this straight, Adriana planned this elaborate story/ambush to put me in prison for several days and she calls me 33-times afterwards because she needs my help? Even if that is true, why not just email or text me with what you need?

At the end of the day, Adriana very well may have been trying to catch me up with what you have been up to. Behind that would be her real intensions for calling as we had an important court date looming. This is her way of probing to see if she can get any information out of me. Ironically, there is nothing to get out of me. I am not the one who put is in this position. Adriana did. All we are going to do is tell the truth. That alone scares the shit out of Adriana more than anything else.

Sam, Adriana could have an amazing life with or with out us being Mr. & Mrs. Pinch. There is no way I would have allowed the mother of my amazingly beautiful Little Princess to struggle with anything. I have made that perfectly clear since you were still developing in Adriana’s stomach. Adriana chooses to continue to make bad decisions, which is why we are where we are today. It’s incredibly sad and equally frustrating. Friday is our day Sam. We cannot wait. I doubt she will bring you to court. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. I would love to see you Friday, but not in that environment. It’s going to be very intense for sure, if Adriana shows up at all. We know Adriana loves to run when the going gets too tough for her. Clearly she still does not get she is her own worst enemy.

