4-years, 8-months, 9-days into Samantha’s abduction

Adriana Coronel Tenorio, Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel, birthday, Christmas, Daniel Duncan Howitt, Danny Howitt, DJO Global, Donjoy, Elizabeth Farquhar Duncan, Isaias Palomeque, Isaias Palomeque Vergara, Isaias Uzziel Palomeque, Jeep, Kenneth Duncan, Lupita Tenorio, Maria Guadalupe Tenorio Toledano, Marsha Tenorio

Friday, July 19, 2013: Hi Sam! I miss you Sweetheart. I wanted to take a few minutes to share a dream I had of you last night. The dream was of your first day in my house after all this has been resolved. We had a house on the beach where every room has a view of the ocean. My girlfriend and I decided to make your bedroom the one that had the best view. When you arrived, you did not know what to make of it. You looked happy yet confused. There were no 8-foot walls with locked gates. There were no bars on the windows. There were no broken beer bottles cemented on top of the walls. There was no barbed wire or razor wire atop the walls outlining the property. No chickens. No goats. No pigs. No stray dogs. No gamecocks. There was none of that. I remember how beautiful you looked and the innocence that you had in the dream as you went from room to room to take in your surroundings. At one point you asked me “how long before we move?” making reference to all the times Adriana Coronel Tenorio (AKA Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel), Maria Guadalupe Tenorio Toledano (AKA Lupita Tenorio, Marsha Tenorio), Isaias Palomeque (AKA Isaias Uzziel Palomeque, Isaias Palomeque Vergara, Project Manager at DJO Global) and Danny Howitt (AKA Daniel Duncan Howitt, Elizabeth Farquhar Duncan, Kenneth Duncan) moved you to keep you from me. I told you nobody was moving anywhere. That’s when you gave me your trademark Samy hug and told me “thank you for not giving up on me.” Of course my alarm clock goes off, ending the dream right then and there.

Over the years I have adopted the “simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” philosophy for my life. Less is more in my book. When it comes to you, the reverse has been true. Since Adriana abducted you I hold onto everything I can that is YOU because I have missed so much. I still have your old Barbie Jeep and the play house I built. Both items Adriana did not have room to steal because she had a truck full of all my furniture, etc. I still have boxes of birthday and Christmas gifts from those that have passed. Still wrapped I might add. I saved all the art work you have given me. I even have your first tooth that fell out of your mouth. I save all these things because this is all I have right now Sam.

Over the years Adriana has tried to get me to get me to bring your Jeep and play house down to her. No way in hell that is happening. The Jeep is the only vehicle in my garage and that is where its going to stay until you come to get it. I bought a battery charger for it and I check every few months to make sure everything runs properly. We may have to make modifications to it as you keep getting taller. I will let you decide what to do with the Jeep when the time is right. The furniture I bought for you 3-years ago is too small for you now. I painted it pink and purple for you and have held onto it for no particular reason. Perhaps someone could use it for their kids instead. I will take pictures of the set if I decide to let another family make use of it. I mention this because in my dream, it was such a blast to go shopping with you. Shopping for clothes, toys, furniture. It was all about you Sam. As it should be. Always. I LOVE YOU SAM!
