Wednesday, March 9, 2016: Why not a couple more comments on the site by Danny Howitt (AKA Daniel Duncan Howitt, Elizabeth Farquhar Duncan, Kenneth Duncan). These 2 comments are several hours apart. You will notice that Howitt made up another fake email address to try and convince us still that this is his dead grandmother. It’s no coincidence that Howitt’s personal email is an AOL email. And these comments came from the exact same location. He goes back to the Outlook email in the second comment.
So, according to Howitt, I am responsible for Adriana Coronel Tenorio’s (AKA Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel) downfall. Hmmm. See the picture above Danny? That is a still shot from the video during the court proceedings in Irapuato just a few months ago. We have the entire audio & video file from these proceedings. We already published them. Adriana has them too. You have probably never seen them. Why? The 2 ladies in the upper left part of that picture, one if from DIF (Child Services) and the other woman is one of the District Attorney’s. To the right you see the judge. All three of those women just got done talking to Samantha in person. We have documented every word Samantha had to say about what Adriana has done to us. You may want to go back and revisit this and tell Adriana to show you the videos for yourself. Better yet, I’ll send you a copy. Just tell me where.
In the interest of full disclosure, both comments from Howitt were in response to this post:
Date: 2016/3/09 at 12:41 am Author: elizabeth farquhar duncan Comment: you are sick that you can gloat to your daughter about her mother is unrealistic to give her the details is incredible and all of a sudden you are one of the people that is responsible for the downfall of ari as in your context of your wording in your sentences the word (we) crops up a lot now all of a sudden you are a law inforcer as well as a reporter as well as a detective you have a lot of strings to your bows ????
Date: 2016/3/09 at 7:52 am Author: elizabeth farquhar duncan Comment: I hope someone has told sammy what you have done to her mother (no i dont believe that this is all aries fault after all she was just a child herself when she met you) and you were the older man were you not? we are getting to know you Brian little by little but we will get there you can be sure of that you are a destroyer of lives and famliys has anyone asked Sammy if she wants to stay with you or in the u.s.a.?i dont think so but she will get to know these things i can assure you you are a vandictive person Brian you seem to think it is all about you whatever happens to other people it has happened to you but in a more severe way grow up man ……