Tuesday, September 23, 2014: It’s worth repeating that I am not interested in ruining Danny Howitt (AKA Daniel Duncan Howitt, Elizabeth Farquhar Duncan, Kenneth Duncan) and Adriana Coronel Tenorio’s (AKA Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel) marriage. Adriana will do a good enough job of that on her own. I love you Sam. This is going to get resolved one way or another. Adriana knows I would go to the Gaza Strip to protect you and that alone should tell you all you need to know about me.
Suffice it to say, I am sure as I am standing here that you heard nothing but horrible things about me. After all what else can Adriana say after abducting you. The most common defense with parental child abductors is that they did it because the other parent is abusive and aggressive and hostile, etc. The problem with any of Adriana’s stores is that she has never proven her tall tales to anyone. Not to you. Not to her own lawyers. Not to any judges in ANY of the courts Adriana has tried to cry wolf in. Not to her friends who all abandoned her. And certainly not to the Howitt’s.
It’s easy to believe her because she looks so innocent. Believe me I fell for it too. I realize there are people who certainly want to believe in Adriana because nobody wants to think they have been duped by someone they love. I get it. I lived it for years. The Howitt’s want to believe that Danny met and found the woman of his dreams and this marriage is based on the absolute truth and conviction that it takes to make a marriage work. I get that too. My own father called me out on his own opinion of Adriana, that he felt she was capable of taking Samantha away from me on a whim. He told me this when Samantha was only 1-year old. The ironic part is that my father even told Adriana this. I don’t need to tell you that this caused a major rift between my father and I for years. Unfortunately he was right.
The picture above will look really familiar to Danny, as will the pictures that follow this narrative, because he was there. This was Samantha’s birthday a few months ago. Sam had a friend over and we celebrated her birthday with the court official. This particular picture was taken after Samantha smashed my face in her birthday case, as is the Mexican custom. This was May 3, 2014. Danny and I crossed paths this day. It’s a still shot from video taken from the court official who was assigned to accompany us because Adriana, Maria Guadalupe Tenorio Toledano (AKA Lupita Tenorio, Marsha Tenorio) and Axel Alvarez Coronel (AKA Axel Coronel) cannot behave themselves when we are together. They have tried anything and everything over the last 6-years to keep me from seeing Samantha, including Danny helping Adriana go on the run AGAIN as of August 6, 2014.
Just curious, do these pictures look like Samantha does NOT love her real Dad??? Even Samantha’s friend loves me.
All of us keeping up with your journey are hoping that someone steps up to help and do the right thing for Samantha. She deserves better.
Thanks Eva. One way or another, this is ending soon.