5-years, 20-days into Samantha’s abduction (Part 3)

abducted Thanksgiving, child abduction, left behind parent, parental abduction, parental alienation, parental child abduction playbook, parental kidnapping, Wendy Samantha Coronel Tenorio

Saturday, November 30, 2013: Samantha and The Flying Spaghetti Monster. There are billions of people on Earth with hundreds of religions and sects that trickle off each other. I will never tell you what to believe in Sam. I know parents are very influential on kids’ spiritual beliefs and that can be a positive or negative thing. I will give you a basic understanding of religions when you starts showing interest and asking questions. But I will remain silent otherwise. How can I make a young mind believe this is the truth for them when they don’t yet have the capacity nor the cognitive desire to delve into something like this? If you show interest I would advise you to fully investigate a religion and see if it fits you. And if you choose none of the above, I’ll be fine with that as well. The values I instill in you should guide you to your decision, not someone else. What’s most important, what I believe is to support YOUR decision no matter what.
