Saturday, July 17, 2010: Hi Sam! I am actually in Adriana Coronel Tenorio’s (AKA Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel) house. Sitting on the stolen furniture she took from me when she abducted you. This is nothing new for me as this situation continues. It’s always been a surreal experience every time I am here. A few minutes ago Adriana and I had a debate about why I will not be spending the weekend with you. You guessed it, Adriana lied to me again. It’s just what she does. She lies to everybody. Get used to it.
We were supposed to be in Ensenada this weekend to celebrate my upcoming birthday. It was the deal Adriana made with me for the extended weekend she took in Mazatlan/San Filipe/who knows where you really were. In essence, Adriana stole my day with you. She just informed me she already made plans for the weekend and I will not spend the weekend with you as planned a few weeks ago. I am downstairs among all my stolen property trying to calm down before you are finished with your bath. I am not happy.
All I want is to spend QUALITY time with you Sam. At some point common sense has to prevail here, doesn’t it? I have never asked Adriana for much except to take responsibility for her own actions and clean up her own messes she makes. That, in and of itself, is the most important lesson in life: accepting responsibility for our actions. Good and bad.
As we were playing outside, it became apparent why I would not be celebrating this weekend with you. This is the first time I came face-to-face with Isaias Palomeque (AKA Isaias Uzziel Palomeque, Isaias Palomeque Vergara, Project Manager at DJO Global & Donjoy). You know people feel guilty about something when they can’t look you in the eye and start making “stupid talk”. That is Palomeque. I can only imagine what he thinks he knows about me. At the same time he would be shocked to know I already know everything about him. This fat slob has been front and center in your abduction since day 1 Sam. And now we are finally face-to-face. He looks like a seal that knows he is in shark infested waters. And he would be right about that.
Suffice it to say, I guess this is what Adriana had in mind when she said she had a surprise for me for my birthday.
Our time together ended like it always does. You are sad as am I. You gave me a great big Samy hug and kiss. You told me you love me, which made all this other stuff not even matter. Despite all this we had a great time together. First playing in the water and having a water pistol fight then it was off to Samy’s Play House where we played with the new kittens that have made their way into the house. You named one of the kittens Littleman, after my cat back in San Diego. That made me melt Sam. Today we carried our weather within us and had a lot of fun. I LOVE YOU SAM! KISSES!