2-years, 7-months, 23-days into Wendy Samantha Coronel Tenorio’s Abduction AKA Samantha Howitt

2-years, 7-months, 23-days into Samantha’s abduction, 4TH OF JULY, Adriana Coronel Tenorio, Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel, Axel Alvarez Coronel, Axel Coronel, Ensenada, Lupita Tenorio, Maria Guadalupe Tenorio Toledano, Marsha Tenorio, Omar Mireles Martinez, Spain, United States

Sunday, July 3, 2011: Happy 4th of July Weekend Sam. Its a bittersweet weekend for me. On one hand it’s the 235th birthday of the United States, which is pretty cool. This weekend marks 3-years that we went on our last family vacation together – minus Adriana Coronel Tenorio (AKA Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel) of course because she was in the middle of her 3-month trip to Spain abandoning you and cheating on me. You, me, Axel Alvarez Coronel (AKA Axel Coronel) and Maria Guadalupe Tenorio Toledano (AKA Lupita Tenorio, Marsha Tenorio) packed up the truck and rented a beach home down in Ensenada. The picture where you have chocolate cake on your face and had that majestic smile, that was taken on that trip. You and I were sleeping on the couch, windows open so we could hear the waves crashing. Early in the morning you woke up and raided the refrigerator for the chocolate cake. And as you always to – tried to feed me some. I absolutely melted when I saw you as soon as that moment unfolded for the first time and was blessed enough to capture it on film. If someone told me that 4-months later that all hell would have broken loose culminating with your abduction and all of my things being stolen, I would have said they were crazy. Among other things.

Saturday was interesting. It’s bad enough to have my visits with you in such a hostile environment. You get annoyed at their behavior and protest by slamming doors. I can’t say I blame you. It’s bad enough I only get to spend 6-hours a week with you. Technically it’s not even 6-hours because they never have you ready by 10:00. By the time they all finish eating its 11:00. Between Omar Mireles Martinez and Maria Guadalupe constantly sticking their nose into our business, those 6-hours get cut down to maybe only 1-hour of time with you as father and daughter. That’s nuts.

As with most of our visits, I did not know what to expect this past Saturday. I did not know if keeping my mouth shut would do more harm than good. It turns out it was a good thing. As you were putting gel in my hair and glittery make up on my face, Adriana joined us, raising the white flag. Apparently she does not want to go to court on Wednesday. Instead she says she wants to drop the criminal case. In return she is asking for me to sponsor her visa and put her on my medical insurance. I told her that I will absolutely make that deal happen if she will actually follow through with what she is saying. How many times have we been down this road? Until it actually gets done there is no way I can trust what she is saying. Of course I have not heard from her since, which is her M.O. for not following through with things.

Onward and upward. I did get to cherish a little time with you once Adriana left and before Maria Guadalupe kicked me out of the house at 4:00. In between we played in Samy’s playhouse outside and were working on our Spanish together. I am so sorry Sam. I am doing everything I can to put all this behind us and spend more time with you. A lot of father’s in my position never get to see their kids. In that regard I am very lucky. Happy 4th of July Sam. I wish you were here. DAD LOVES YOU PRINCESS! KISSES!
