2-years, 7-months, 26-days into Wendy Samantha Coronel Tenorio’s Abduction AKA Samantha Howitt (Part 1)

2-years, 7-months, 26-days into Samantha’s abduction, Adriana Coronel Tenorio, Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel, Axel Alvarez Coronel, Axel Coronel, Harvard, Jhoana Gabriela Rubio Gonzalez, Oscar Ivan Diaz Gomez

Wednesday, July 6, 2011: Good Morning Princess! I am sitting next to the courthouse as I write this. Last night Alicia got a call from Adriana Coronel Tenorio’s (AKA Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel) attorney, Oscar Ivan Diaz Gomez & Jhoana Gabriela Rubio Gonzalez regarding today’s scheduled events. Needless to say, we were all shocked. Oscar Ivan Diaz Gomez reiterated her position about not wanting to go in front of the judge. Frankly I don’t blame her after how all this blew up in their faces. Interesting note, Oscar Ivan Diaz Gomez allegedly said Adriana would drop the case if I sponsor her visa, add her to my health insurance AND give her $10,000. Saturday we agreed on the visa and insurance. The 10 large is something new. Of course this “was never about the money” for Adriana. Hell will freeze over before I give her any more money. It should be the other way around after what she has done to us.

Look, I respect people who have game. And Adriana has major league game…as a hustler. No doubt about that. At the same time, I knew there would be a twist to this. I can see her game coming a mile away. As long as I have known Adriana, the sign that she knows she has done wrong is that she will ignore people. Namely me. She knows I know her better than she knows herself. And that drives her nuts. She has to ignore me at a certain point because she cannot tell the truth very well, she is a horrible liar. Yet her compulsion to see the hustle through is too much for her to reel herself in to do what’s right. In this situation, Adriana originally told me she could not drop the case because Axel Alvarez Coronel (AKA Axel Coronel) was graduating from middle school. So we planned on yesterday. Rather than call, she texts me in the morning that Tuesday will not work because of Axel’s graduation and now she has a doctor appointment. Are you confused? Yeah, so were we.

First of all, how many graduations does a middle-school student need? I only had 1. It’s middle-school, not fucking Harvard. Second, graduations are usually on a weekend, sometimes Friday’s too. Not a Monday or Tuesday. High school and college graduations sometimes fall on a week day, but in the evenings, not during the day. So it appears Adriana cannot tell the truth about her own son’s graduation.

In reality she was more than likely trying to figure out a better scam for herself. Hence the $10,000 angle. All’s I know is that if she does not make this deal today, I will not be making any more deals with her. Period. This has gone on long enough. Besides there is that judge probing us for that bribe to make sure this all goes our way. That may be a better investment. We can and will exploit Adriana’s desire to not want to see the judge. We really have nothing to lose. I am all for seeing the judge for the exact same reason Adriana does not want to. She should give me $10,000 to not keep this going in court.

In the back of Adriana’s mind she knows justice will be served on her eventually. She just trying to throw a bunch of noodles at the wall to see if she can run out the clock. That can be the only explanation for all this insane behavior. The problem with that line of thinking, there is no statute of limitations on abducting a child. That goes for Adriana and everyone else involved with this. I just hope he does not get to a point where she does any physical harm to you Sam. I don’t think it’s out of the question to think this given her history. Believe me I am doing everything humanly possible to bring both of these situations to a positive conclusion.

OK. Time to go. I’ll check back after court.
