2-years, 9-months, 17-days into Samantha’s abduction

Adriana Coronel Tenorio, Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel, Barbie, Barbie on Ice, Irapuato, Lupita Tenorio, Maria Guadalupe Tenorio Toledano, Marsha Tenorio, Omar Mireles Martinez, San Diego

Saturday, August 27, 2011: Hi Sam! I am standing in line trying to cross the border back to San Diego. It’s slow getting people through given that there is no line to speak of. Frankly, I could care less. I got to spend extra time with you today. I could not be happier right now.

Today started like most of the others, outside at your playhouse with the usual interference from whoever was home. You found a birds nest in the tree that towers over the playhouse. In it three birds that did not seem to mind you standing on my shoulders and within an arm’s reach. Then it was trading pictures we were drawing for one another while swinging in the hammock. I absolutely live to see you smile and hear you laugh Sam. I LOVE THAT!

Barbie on Ice was performing by the bull fighting ring. You expressed interest in going. Knowing the earliest show started at 6:00 meant I got to spend more time with you. The show was pretty good actually. We had front row seats and you were dancing along. Getting to actually meet and take pictures with Barbie was a great moment for you. I digress…

There was a time when we were swinging on the hammock together and you were staring off into the tree. Quiet and with a sad look on your face. It did not last long, however I felt your pain Sam. I know you do not know all the reasons why I am not there every day like I used to be. It does not help that I am forced to play along with making this look like something normal while Adriana Coronel Tenorio (AKA Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel) continues to make promises she never intends to keep. Dragging this out as long as possible.

Adriana let it slip that Maria Guadalupe Tenorio Toledano (AKA Lupita Tenorio, Marsha Tenorio) and Omar Mireles Martinez are going back to Irapuato. It was the first time hearing something like that where it did not send me into a complete panic thinking Adriana would take you with them. Maria Guadalupe has been saying she is leaving for years now. I have no idea who else she will leach off of without Adriana around. On the other hand, them being gone helps us potentially find a way to end this situation sooner rather than later. We’ll see what happens. Like everything else, I will believe it when I see it.

In the meantime, I am going to work on getting Skype up and running in efforts to see and talk to you more. I hope there are some updates this week on both cases to tell you about. I miss you already Beautiful. DAD LOVES YOU!
