Thursday, November 12, 2015: Hi Sam. We have a lot to get done today. We would like to put Adriana Coronel Tenorio’s (AKA Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel) bullshit criminal case to bed once and for all. The DA mentioned that Adriana could not have taken a criminal petition like this as far as she did without witnesses. In this case Maria Guadalupe Tenorio Toledano (AKA Lupita Tenorio, Marsha Tenorio) and Axel Alvarez Coronel (AKA Axel Coronel) both stepped in to help. Another words all three of them are already committed to the lies they told. The DA is not happy either. Files were sent back and forth between the criminal and civil courts here in the last month. Needless to say, the DA sees what is really going on and is recommending going after Adriana, Maria Guadalupe and Axel for filing false police reports and perjury. I am all for that. Fuck all three of them. What they are accusing me of here is pretty serious. I would love nothing more than to make them eat their words at this point. And apparently I am not alone. The court people on both sides, criminal and civil, seem to be taking this personally which is good.
The judge in the Irapuato civil court has followed through with every single one of her promises to us. We hope that continues. DIF went to visit you in school and found out Adriana did not enroll you in the same school as last year. So she lied about that. Not a big surprise to anyone. I warned the judge you were more than likely not there given you have never been to the same school 2 years in a row. Now she saw that for herself. We also found out that a DIF psychologist will be at the hearing tomorrow in case you do make an appearance. The plan is for the judge to actually talk to you about what is going on.
We have people in place ready to go in case Adriana’s attorneys want to start anything again. These are the same people helped us when they found out that Graciela Alarcon Barreda called to try and have me ambushed last month. In fact, these people had an interesting story to tell about you Sam. This happened as you were leaving the court last month. As you, Maria Guadalupe and Axel were leaving the court building the last time we saw you, you were being dragged out by the arm by Maria Guadalupe. You were crying, “Why is my Dad here?” … “Why won’t you let me see my Dad more?” … “You are the reason why I have not been able to see my Dad!”
That’s right Sam, these people are the reason why you have not been able to see me. Make no mistake about it.
We did not see the investigators until we got back into town and had dinner with them just last night. At the time the investigators could not really do anything because they were there to protect me. They remember the incident because someone mentioned the agenda for the time we are in town. That’s when one of the investigators talked about how much respect they had for you for handling yourself as well as could be expected for someone your age. And that you look exactly like me, which always puts a smile on my face. I LOVE YOU SAM!!!