7-years, 2-month, 26-days into Samantha’s abduction

child abduction, left behind parent, parental abduction, parental alienation, parental child abduction playbook, parental child abduction, left behind parent, Mexican judicial system, parental abduction, parental alienation, parental child abduction playbook, parental kidnapping, Adriana Coronel Tenorio, Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel, Daniel Duncan Howitt, Danny Howitt, DJO Global, Donjoy, Elizabeth Farquhar Duncan, Google, Irapuato, Isaias Palomeque, Isaias Palomeque Vergara, Isaias Uzziel Palomeque, Kenneth Duncan, San Diego, Southern California, Tijuana 2nd Civil Court

Saturday, February 6, 2016: Good morning Sam. Finally it warmed up around here. It’s been unseasonable chilly for Southern California. Today I am enjoying the sunrise on my deck with cup of coffee and some breakfast. I can’t help but think about you when I stare down the coastline into the northern part of San Diego. Saturdays have been empty for the last 18-months. We are working tirelessly on finding a resolution to this, like we always have. The arrest warrant is getting executed. Interestingly enough, we have a court hearing on March 17 in the 2nd Civil Court in Tijuana. You and Adriana Coronel Tenorio (AKA Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel) have been ordered to be there. I am pretty sure this has to do with what has been going on down in Irapuato in recent months. Immigration confirmed that they shut down your passports, another lie Adriana told the judge. Yet she is still roaming free. But not for long.

So, to no-one’s surprise, Danny Howitt (AKA Daniel Duncan Howitt, Elizabeth Farquhar Duncan, Kenneth Duncan) left another comment on Google+ as his dead grandfather at 2:00 this morning. Mid-day in the UK. He claims he knows nothing about this 800# Adriana gave me. If that is the case, why air your grievance out on Google+? Why not another comment on this site with the correct phone number? Or better yet, you all have my phone number, it has not changed in 15-years. Why not call me directly? Better yet, reply to this comment and give me a number to call you on right now! We actually requested this a few times. Of course they did not comply. Watch, it will be several days before we get a response if we get one at all. If we do, we will get the “we don’t actually spend hours on end on this site because we have a life…” excuse. Um, yes you do. You are here every day waiting to see what we say even though you are living this just like we are.

The only one who is more happier that Howitt is now the focus of attention at present is none other than Isaias Palomeque (AKA Isaias Uzziel Palomeque, Isaias Palomeque Vergara, Project Manager at DJO Global).

P.S. The picture above, not a good look Howitt. Your girlfriend there with the green butt floss. Interesting. We half expected to see some moose-knuckle. You need actual balls to pull that off though. Suffice it to say, this is Adriana’s  special guy now helping her keep Samantha abducted.

Date: Sat, Feb 06 2016 at 2:03 AM PST 
Subject: Re: 4-years, 1-month, 13-days into Samantha's...
From: "Google+ (Kenneth Duncan)"
 To: the-wendy-saman-1363 

Kenneth Duncan commented on your post.

"you liar you did get the proper telephone number it is you that is the
coward we are not hiding behind any keyboard we just know what you are what
is this 0800 number?my god you will do anything to make yourself look  