7-years, 2-month, 29-days into Samantha’s abduction

child abduction, left behind parent, parental abduction, parental alienation, parental child abduction, Black N Decker Coffee Grinder, coffee grinder, Coffee Grinder Hall of Fame

Tuesday, February 9, 2016: It’s been a while since I have had a 2:33 AM wake up call Sam. So, what does a man to do when he can’t fall back asleep at that hour? Make coffee of course. Unless, you come to find out that the coffee grinder that has been so loyal to you over the years decided to go into retirement. But not before it’s last pot was indeed it’s strongest ever. Black N Decker Coffee Grinder, you served me well and will be in the Coffee Grinder Hall of Fame for sure. You kept me going through all these early mornings for the last 7+ years. Frankly I don’t blame you for taking early retirement. Thank you my friend!
