Sunday, April 27, 2014: This is the week of Samantha’s 8th birthday. I thought I would change it up a little this week in honor of my Little Princess’s big day next weekend. For parents that are tenacious, persistent and just plain old stubborn, like me, we are lucky & blessed with actually spending time with our abducted children every several blue moons. Most Left Behind Parents give up long before they have these opportunities.
The big misconception is that parental child abduction is a custody dispute. That is the furthest from the truth. The law, domestically and internationally, is pretty clear on this. When a parent, like Adriana Coronel Tenorio (AKA Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel), takes a child out of the home without the other parent’s consent, that is parental child abduction. Adriana has never denied this. Her track record since she abducted Samantha speak for itself too.
This week we are going to focus on what it’s like for children to spend their own birthdays as an abducted child. Samantha’s first birthday as an abducted child was spent without her real Dad. It was not because of effort on our part when we actually found Adriana and Isaias Palomeque (AKA Isaias Uzziel Palomeque, Isaias Palomeque Vergara, Project Manager at DJO Global). Adriana did not want Samantha to know her real Dad was even looking for her, after all Palomeque was trying to steal Samantha away from me as much as Adriana was.
Every other birthday since was marred in drama from Adriana and Palomeque. This week is dedicated to get a better understanding of parental child abduction through the eyes of the abducted children themselves on THEIR special day.