Tuesday, July 8, 2014: Have you ever met those people who always thought they were the smartest person in the room, yet turned out to be the complete opposite? That’s the most politically correct way to describe Isaias Palomeque (AKA Isaias Uzziel Palomeque, Isaias Palomeque Vergara, Project Manager at DJO Global). You know all about his contributions to this situation by now. It’s only fair to get into what Isaias Palomeque had to contribute in court as he took the stand after Adriana Coronel Tenorio (AKA Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel) shit the bed again and earned herself another criminal complaint for perjuring herself under oath.
OK, here is a guy who has been front and center during your abduction Sam. Even after being forewarned to back off and not get in the way. Even after Adriana 2-timed him and ended up marrying Danny Howitt (AKA Daniel Duncan Howitt, Elizabeth Farquhar Duncan, Kenneth Duncan) in recent months, he still wants a piece of this. So, let’s oblige this fucking moron.
It’s worth noting that Danny Howitt does not live in the same house with all of you. In fact, all of you still live in the same house Isaias Palomeque leased just last year. It’s not hard to connect the dots here. Especially with Isaias Palomeque’s track record of home-wrecking. One could surmise he has a knack for this.
As Isaias Palomeque walked into the room, we made eye contact only for a split second. Immediately he looked down to find his favorite spot on the floor. It turns out he was going to stare at that very spot for the next couple hours. As Isaias Palomeque was fielding softball questions from Oscar Ivan Diaz Gomez, you can see the look on his face. Palomeque looked like a male peacock strutting around with all his feathers out, lying his way through the questions just like he was scripted to do. At one point Isaias Palomeque actually echoed Adriana’s sentiment that “Sam does not need Brian as her Dad because I am Sam’s sentimental partner”.
No joke Sam.
In reality, Isaias Palomeque had no idea what he was walking into. Now, it was our turn.
It took all of 3 questions for the strutting peacock to disappear. In it’s place, all the nervous ticks from someone who knows they are in a lot of trouble. The shuffling of the feet, not being able to sit still in his chair, sweating profusely like Patrick Ewing (sorry New York Knicks fans), not being able to stop playing with his fingers, and lets not forget the lack of eye contact. Once Isaias Palomeque burned a hole in the floor, the wall in front of him was next and the ceiling after that. All the classic signs Palomeque was accessing “visually constructed images” (AKA he’s lying his way through his answers) as he was being cross examined by my attorney.
Isaias Palomeque did admit to having a relationship with Adriana while we were still living together. We have always known that. This was one of the few times Palomeque actually told the truth, not realizing the implications of his answer.
Several times Isaias Palomeque stated that he knew for a fact that I never supported you. When asked how he knew that, Isaias Palomeque mentioned Adriana told him and that she went as far to take the both of them to court to show him that there is nothing on file to show I have ever supported you. That’s when Adriana would hit Isaias Palomeque up for money. And he gladly gave it to her because he could never tell her “no”. Apparently he still can’t. Until that day, Isaias Palomeque had no idea that Adriana entered into an agreement with me back in 2010, which the court recognized, to send support for you through Money Gram or Western Union because it would take too long for Adriana to get the money from the court. This way was immediate. The court knew how the system worked and if ever audited, I would simply show them the receipts, which I never had to do. Adriana never complained to the court that I missed any payments. All’s good. So, when those facts were made apparent to him, “the smartest guy in the room” just realized he was played for all those years. BIG TIME. And it only got worse for Isaias Palomeque from there.
As Isaias Palomeque was shaking like a leaf, he told the judge that the way I was looking at him was making him nervous. My attorney objected, stating that he’s nervous because he’s lying through his teeth. The judge agreed. The judge even went as far as to warn Isaias Palomeque that he needs to focus more on telling the truth and less on how I was looking at him. Ouch. From there Oscar Ivan Diaz Gomez tried to run interference for Isaias Palomeque, standing in between us to block my view. The judge was not having it, telling Diaz-Gomez to sit down a few times.
The big part of the narrative that Adriana has been trying to sell to anyone who will listen, is that I abused her. That is Parental Child Abduction 101. What else is she going to say to justify everything she has done? In 6+ years she has not provided one shred of evidence, not one picture, not one witness, nothing. For the simple fact that it never happened. That has not stopped her from still trying to tell these tall tall tales. As far as Isaias Palomeque goes, he went along with the narrative because it kept getting him laid.
While fielding softball questions from Oscar Ivan Diaz Gomez, Isaias Palomeque told the court he actually witnessed me abusing Adriana. Under cross-examination, Isaias Palomeque wilted like a leaf and the bitch that he really is.
When asked what kinds of abuse he witnessed in person, he said, “I do not know…he did it so many time I forgot, it was hard to keep track.”
My attorney: “Did he punch Adriana? Did he kick Adriana? Did he run Adriana over in his car? What exactly did you witness Mr. Palomeque? Give the court an example.”
Isaias Palomeque: “I refer back to my last answer. I do not know. He did it so many time I forgot, it was hard to keep track.”
My attorney: “OK, since you said you witnessed my client abuse Adriana, what did you do to stop it?”
Judge: “Answer the question.”
Isaias Palomeque: <LOOKING TO OSCAR IVAN DIAZ GOMEZ FOR HELP> “I don’t know. I don’t remember.”
My attorney: “What was Brian wearing the day you witnessed him abusing Adriana?”
Isaias Palomeque: “I don’t know, I don’t remember”
My attorney: “What was Adriana wearing the day you witnessed Brian abusing her?”
Isaias Palomeque: “I don’t remember what Adriana was wearing any more than I remember what Brian was wearing.”
My attorney: “You don’t remember ANYTHING because it never happened in the first place.”
So, with that the judge cited Isaias Palomeque for contempt. And for his efforts, Palomeque, like Adriana before him, will also have to deal with the DA’s office and criminal charges for perjury which was filed immediately after this court hearing was over.
Maria Guadalupe Tenorio Toledano (AKA Lupita Tenorio, Marsha Tenorio), you know what you are getting with her. I am the only man on the planet she does not intimidate. It was one of the things she liked about me back in the day. I see right through her and she knows it. Which would explain why she never made eye contact with me as she entered the court room, not even for an instant. To avoid looking at me at all, she literally turned her chair to face the court reporter. Maria Guadalupe wanted nothing to do with me sitting less than 10-feet (3.1 m) from her. She did not want anything to do with the judge or my attorney. I can’t blame her either. It’s not gone well for her when she has given her testimony. The plan all along was not to have Maria Guadalupe there long, although we could have her on the stand for hours. The plan was to give Maria Guadalupe enough rope to let her hang herself, rack up a third perjury charge with the DA’s office and call it a day. And that is exactly what happened.
It’s sad to see a group of people completely self-destruct like this. Maria Guadalupe was trying to make herself sound sophisticated, making up words with 3+ syllables. I mean that literally, she was making up words. The translator started laughing as he was translating what she was saying because he told me she has no idea what she is saying. She’s making up words to sound smarter than she really is. I didn’t feel bad for them for very long because they asked for what happened to them. They did this to themselves. For their efforts, they all have perjury cases to deal with now. Then again, they don’t give a shit. And never did.