6-years, 10-months, 12-days into Samantha’s abduction

child abduction, left behind parent, Mexican Central Authority, Mexican judicial system, parental abduction, parental alienation, parental child abduction playbook, parental kidnapping, Adriana Cervantes Estrada, Adriana Coronel Tenorio, Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel, DJO Global, Donjoy, Facebook, Isaias Palomeque, Isaias Palomeque Vergara, Isaias Uzziel Palomeque, Janet GaRe Téllez, Jhoana Gabriela Rubio Gonzalez, Josefina Perez, Lulis Diaz Veloz, Lupita Tenorio, Mara Coronel, Mara Mireles Coronel, Mariana Coronel, Mariana Mireles Coronel, Norma Angy Coronel, Oscar Ivan Diaz Gomez, Patricia Jimenez, Tijuana

Tuesday, September 22, 2015: When you look at this picture, what is there to like about this? For those who do not know Spanish, it says “You know you are on the right path when you don’t care to look back into the past”. Some would think this is optimistic about one’s future. Depending on the person, you would probably be right.

Does your perspective of this picture change when you find out that Adriana Coronel Tenorio (AKA Adriana Howitt Coronel, Ari Coronel, Ari Coronel Tenorio, Ari Howitt, Ari Howitt Coronel) posted this on her Facebook page 5-weeks after she abducted Samantha for the 2nd time just last year?

Adriana has been on the run 8-times since 2008. She posted that picture September 14, 2014. Just 5-weeks after she left Tijuana in her rear-view mirror. She moved again just 3-months ago. This is the only thing you are able to see on Adriana’s Facebook page unless you are “friends” with her. She unlocked this particular post on purpose. She wanted us to see it. She is taunting us. By “us” I am referring to me, my legal team, law enforcement, the judges who slapped her with travel restrictions and considers her a flight risk, her own attorneys, Oscar Ivan Diaz Gomez and Jhoana Gabriela Rubio Gonzalez, who she owes a lot of money to. And lets not forget about all the landlords her and Isaias Palomeque (AKA Isaias Uzziel Palomeque, Isaias Palomeque Vergara, Project Manager at DJO Global) stiffed along the way.

How about the 8 people who actually “liked” the picture? Josefina Perez, Norma Angy Coronel, Lulis Diaz Veloz, Janet GaRe Téllez, Lupita Tenorio, Adriana Cervantes Estrada, Patricia Jimenez, and Mara Coronel (AKA Mara Mireles Coronel, Mariana Coronel, Mariana Mireles Coronel). Most of these people are family and know exactly what’s going on. It says a lot about a family when you all collectively condone the abduction of a child like they have.

So yeah, I imagine if you are Adriana you would not want to look back on such an ugly past. They problem Adriana has is that we are not going away. People are talking. And while we can hit and miss in our attempts to make this right, Adriana can’t miss once.

One comment to “6-years, 10-months, 12-days into Samantha’s abduction”
  1. That broad is cold blooded.

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